13 Most Powerful One-Punch Man Characters

Anant Pal
9 min readMar 24, 2022


One Punch Man is a Japanese anime series based on One’s webcomic and its manga adaptation, which was illustrated by Yusuke Murata. The plot is set in City Z and follows Saitama, a superhero who has grown bored as his power has risen to the point where all of his conflicts finish in a single punch. Shingo Natsume directed the series at Madhouse, and Tomohiro Suzuki wrote the script.

One Punch Man is unlike any other action animation you’ve ever seen. It’s not so much about who’s the strongest as it is about experimenting with the clichés and absurdity of the Shonen anime genre. That being said, we couldn’t help ourselves from examining all of the skills powers used by the series’ most powerful characters in battles to discover who came out on top.

13. Atomic Samurai

This great character was a little difficult to rank because, while he’s tremendously powerful and could probably level a skyscraper, his powers are fairly particular. Atomic Samurai is a formidable combatant, but only with a sword. He possesses incredible strength and expertise, but it is limited to fighting with a sword. Aside from his superhuman strength, speed, and mastery, the character doesn’t have anything going on. That may come across as overly critical. However, keep in mind that the older One Punch Man is full of demigod-like heroes who are capable of far more than atomic samurai. As fantastic as the characters in his hero name are, Atomic Samurai is only ranked 13th in our list.

13. Atomic Samurai

12. Metal Knight

Metal Night, 12th in our list is the brilliant inventor who made himself incredibly strong remote-controlled robots. The argument against this character is that he isn’t particularly strong without his robots. We’ll just ignore that and focus on all the amazing things Metal Knights’ badass robots are capable of. Metal Knights’ main fighting robot can fly in addition to its typical robot powers of super strength, super speed, infinite energy, and absolute invulnerability. Metal Night is one of the strongest characters in the series, armed with huge missiles and capable of massive feats of power on all fronts.

12. Metal Knight

11. Deep-Sea King

Deep-Sea King’s character strength stems from the events surrounding his fight with the Mumen Rider and subsequent defeat at the hands of Saitama. He’s also a very impressive being. The Deep-Sea King was eventually proven to be easily defeated by an updated Genos, but there’s no doubting that he gave some of the best heroes a fight for their money while he was in his ultra-powerful, hydrated form. When he is fully hydrated, he becomes a big menace, greatly boosting his strength, speed, and durability, making us wonder if he is completely unstoppable when battling in the water. We may never know whether this is true because Saitama annihilated him.

11. Deep-Sea King

10. Carnage Kabuto

Dr. Genus of the House of Evolution produced Carnage Kabuto, a super-strong mutant who is the organization’s most powerful creation. He is, in fact, the most powerful mutant on our list. Due to his irrational strength, speed, durability, and gigantic size, he is extremely difficult to defeat. In reality, because he’s part of a simulation designed to evaluate strength and power, carnage Kabuto is used as a yardstick for how strong heroes are. If that isn’t proof of how powerful this mutant is, we don’t know what is.

10. Carnage Kabuto

09. Genos

Coming at number 9th, Genos, the cyborg with a cool design and much cooler powers, is now the series’ possibly the best and coolest character. While Genos’ backstory may be so tediously dull that Saitama mandates that he keep it to a maximum of 20 words, his strength is insufficient to prevent this, especially as he may easily be improved to become an even more powerful hero. With his G4 upgrades, Genos can destroy the series’ most powerful monsters with just one or two attacks, proving that he has earned his S Class Rank. Genos can fire an assortment of weaponry in addition to the immense strength, durability, speed, and stamina that his cybernetic form provides. If he does manage to get damaged. He can always be rebuilt making him basically immortal. Without a doubt Genos is still one of the top five strongest heroes in the series.

09. Genos

08. Flashy Flash

The top ten of our rankings now begins. Flashy Flash is a flashy hero, as you would have guessed from his name and everything about him. The name of this incredibly powerful character comes from the fact that he is arguably the fastest hero in the S class, capable of striking many times in a fraction of a second. It wasn’t even a question of whether or not Flashy-Flash would make the top 10, because of his incredible speed. He is not only faster than sound, but he also has the strength and durability to match. Capable of breaking enormous boulders and taking attacks from the most powerful adversaries while suffering just minor damage. Isn’t that cool? When you combine his combat abilities, which are regarded to be the best of the S class, with his incredible katana, you get one of the series’ most powerful heroes.

08. Flashy Flash

07. Super-Alloy Dark Shine

Super-Alloy Dark Shine is one of the series’ most remarkable characters, ranking seventh in our rankings. He’s so high up because he’s one of, if not the most, physically fit humans in the series. By conditioning his physique to be extremely powerful, long-lasting, and agile. Dark shine is nearly impenetrable. His muscles are so thick and strong that they act as a natural barrier, protecting him from all types of harm. On top of that, he’s one of the series’ most powerful heroes, with superhuman strength that allows him to dispatch most monsters and big opponents with a single simple touch. The most astounding aspect of it all is that, as far as we can determine, Dark Shine’s abilities aren’t superpowers but rather the consequence of rigorous training and weightlifting.

07. Super-Alloy Dark Shine

06. Garou

Garou was originally a student of S Class hero Silver Fang, but after concluding that he had learned everything there was to know, he went on a killing spree and became an antihero. His aversion to both monsters and heroes drove him to chase them both mercilessly. When it comes to the character’s strength, he was Silver Fang’s finest student, as evidenced by his immense strength, incredible endurance, practically unparalleled speed, and superhuman stamina, all of which add to his martial arts skill. Later in the manga, Garou got a powerup that not only increased his strength, speed, and endurance, but also gave him the capacity to learn and adapt to a combat at a breakneck speed. With each passing second, he grows stronger as his healing power increases.

06. Garou

05. Silver Fang

Even if this character is a little older, you can still mess with the greatest. Of course, we’re talking about Silver Fang, the S Class Hero Association’s third-ranked hero and Garou’s former teacher. Even though Silver Fang is ancient, he can still kick the rear of any other hero in his rank, including his former student. And it was made very plain to him that even with his tremendous power up and yet holding back his actual power, silver bank could easily deliver blows on Garou. That is why, like the others on this list, he is ranked higher than him. Silver Bang possesses all of the traditional superhuman abilities such as super strength, super speed, great durability, and insane fighting prowess. Silver Fang truly shines in that last one. He is, without a doubt, the best fighter in the series.

05. Silver Fang

04. Tatsumaki

The only way someone can earn a moniker like Tornado of Terror is if they leave nothing but damage in their wake. Tatsumaki, One Punch Man’s psychic powerhouse, is an example of this. Despite her youthful appearance, Tornado is one of the S class’s most powerful heroes. Her mind’s capacity to level cities is the fundamental reason for this. Tornado can manipulate items with her thoughts, destroy anything with a thought, fly at insane speeds, create walls that prevent injuries, and bend the very light force of a human thanks to her psychic talents. The Tornado of Terror has unquestionably earned her moniker. Her insane psychic powers mastery of them also earning her the 4th spot in our rankings.

04. Tatsumaki

03. Lord Boros

So, outside Saitama, who else might be more powerful than the world’s most powerful psychic? Of course, Lord Boros, how did we arrive at this conclusion? Well, judging the strength of the characters and the entire series of satire that’s meant to mock exaggerated power levels is actually quite difficult, but we can use this to determine how much stronger borrows is than everyone else. By looking at the goal of Boros’s persona, we can position him in third place in our rankings; you must understand that he’s supposed to be the ultimate villain, a way of demonstrating how insanely strong Saitama is. As a result, we can infer that Boros is one of the strongest characters in the series, having only been defeated once by Saitama and requiring far more work than the character generally does, demonstrating that he deserves to be ranked as the third strongest One Punch Man character.

03. Lord Boros

02. Blast

Coming in at number two is the hero Blast. Some casual fans of the series may be perplexed as to who this Blast guy is. That’s understandable, given that he has yet to appear in the series. So, how can we know he’s strong enough to be ranked second in our rankings if we’ve never seen him? He’s the series’ number one S class hero, therefore it’s simple. Despite the fact that his whereabouts are unknown, the fact that Blast is ranked first among the S class heroes indicates that he must be on a different level than his contemporaries. All in all, it’s not too crazy to consider the strongest S rank hero and the Hero Association to be the series second strongest character.

02. Blast

01. Saitama

Finally, there’s Saitama, the most powerful character in One Punch Man. As you all know, the main idea of Saitama in the series is that he’s too strong, so strong that he beats all of his opponents in one punch, albeit the joke is that he’s too powerful to find a challenge, thus Saitama is as strong as he has to be to outclass everyone. Some have speculated that Saitama’s strength comes from breaking his body’s limits, allowing him to become stronger than anybody else, or that his true superpower is getting the strength required to defeat his opponent. Whatever the case may be, Saitama is without a doubt the most powerful character in One Punch Man.

01. Saitama



Anant Pal

Content writing enthusiast and an amateur anime content writer. You can connect with me — https://www.linkedin.com/in/anant-pal-105864213